Dec 7, 2022Liked by Kenshō studio

the segment on "extinct smells" was fascinating! i never connected that there are smells that are extinct or heading that way - but our brains could still have a latent memory of them? so interesting! thanks for all the love and thought u put into these.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Kenshō studio

The hidden gem of this month's newsletter is that it makes for great Christmas gift ideas!! Love love love. Always thought provoking and now the only way I can properly read the local newspaper -- with a sharpie and flow to create erasure poetry!

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That LP!! What a dreamy project. Kate Baer’s erasure poems from her trolly DMs are amazing...

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"Would I return to the safety of the shadow? Never again." This was so deeply inspiring, Sabrina. I embarked on my own 100-day creativity project this year, which gave me the courage to share my art publicly (and eventually go on to pursue Astrology). Love this, and love you! Muacks xxx

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We did The Artist's Way at the same time! I'm still doing Morning Pages too -- I can't imagine not doing them. I've been wondering when I'll be ready to do the book again. I know I'll get so many different things out of it the second time. It absolutely changed my life doing it the first time.

Also, where I live (Maine) there is a tradition of making "bean hole beans" -- you dig a hole in the ground, start a fire, and lower a pot of beans into the hole, and cover them with hot embers. It cooks for days.

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Dec 7, 2022Liked by Kenshō studio

I loved reading about erasure poetry! I actually wrote my undergraduate thesis on Phillips's Humument, so this edition was especially exciting for me. Thanks!

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